Oregon Security Guard Certification Practice Exam

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Question: 1 / 50

What are the following types of reports a Security Guard may normally complete?

Shift logs, incident reports, briefing reports and use of force reports

The answer is "Shift logs, incident reports, briefing reports and use of force reports." These are common types of reports that a Security Guard may normally complete during their job. Shift log reports are records kept by security guards to document their activities during their shift. This can include noting patrol timings, recording any unusual occurrences, documenting visitors, etc. Incident reports are written after a specific event or incident has taken place. These reports are created to document the details about the incident, any actions taken, and any consequences that have occurred as a result of the incident. Briefing reports are used to inform other team members or superiors about specific issues, situations or procedures that are relevant to the job. This can include things like new protocols, changes in staffing, or updates on ongoing situations. Lastly, use of force reports are detailed accounts of instances where a security guard had to use physical force in the course of their duties. These reports are important for documentation and liability reasons, and help superiors understand the circumstances surrounding the use of force. These reports typically include the reason force was necessary, the level of force used, and the outcome of the situation. So, all these reports are routinely filled by a security guard during their regular

Crown briefs and private information

Timetables, needs assessments and recommendations

Executive summary and progress reports


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